
44 products

Respiration diffusion complex

To promote respiratory well-being

Ventilation diffuser

The mobile essential oil diffuser

Eucalyptus radiata organic essential oil

Essential oil source of beneficial properties

Lavandin organic essential oil

Fragrant, camphorated essential oil

Peppermint essential oil

The essential oil to aid digestion

Roll-on headaches

To relieve pain related to headaches

Hydroalcoholic gel Puryfitout® 80ml

Élimine 99,9% des virus et bactéries !

Ylang ylang essential oil

Exotic, sophisticated essential oil

Purifying spray

To cleanse and purify the air in your home!

Air purifying diffusion complex

Ideal to purify your home naturally

Eucalyptus globulus essential oil

The essential oil to aid breathing

Thyme linalol organic essential oil

Essential oil to soothe the throat

Relaxation diffusion complex

For a serene, calm atmosphere

Hydroalcoholic gel Puryfitout® 495ml

Élimine 99,9% des virus et bactéries !